Enterprise Assets Management
Enterprise Assets Management commonly known as EAM deals mainly with the management, repair, and control of physical assets in order to limit the resources been used and have greater output on the long run. It controls a variety of other operational aspects of physical assets which limits capital spending and allows the optimal utilization of capital assets. EAM allow one to have a maximum satisfaction from physical assets and every service rendered in order to manage assets is known as enterprise asset management services.
Every organization need a specific enterprise asset management which is called enterprise asset management services. This services are rendered according to one’s kind of assets, these services are enterprise assets management solutions that solves management issues. For example companies that produce cars need management for its parts especially the heavy ones. There are softwares that are use in maintaining assets, these software’s are called Enterprise asset management software.

Assets tracking is the act of labeling assets in order to identify them as assets. Branding can also be done on workstations, cubicles, conference rooms etc. and also locations as well, such that grouping of assets based on location is possible.
Asset tracking can be based on location which is called Assets allocation, it helps a user to track assets at user and location level. It’s allows Asset Request Approvals, Assigning of asset to location and Assigning asset to users.
Asset Transfer is another aspect of tracking, its happens when assets are been transferred to different employees or locations. This transfer can be between office locations in another city or the same city.
Asset Audit deals with giving a complete account on physical assets. It helps to Perform a complete physical audit of thousands of items across multiple locations. It helps also to Eliminate costly and time-consuming manual description checks and decrease the probability of human error normally inherent in the manual audit process.
Space management is another software that can be used to manage assets. It enables the user to attach any information to a building, floor or space and this information can be viewed as graphics.
Once space management is installed, it displays all workspaces available in the order of geographical hierarchy with details of assets available in each workspace. But only authorized users are allowed to move assets from one workspace to another.
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